

Access Control



IS 215T

-Υπέρυθρος Ανιχνευτής εσωτερικού χώρου διπλού πυροηλεκτρικού αισθητήρα

-Επιλογή LOW και HIGH sensitivity

-παράθυρο LOOK DOWN κάθετης δέσμης

-αυτόματη προσαρμογή στις αλλαγές θερμοκρασίας

-Κάλυψη απόστασης 12m, γωνία κάλυψης 90°

-Θερμοκρασία λειτουργίας -30° C έως +50° C

  • Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά
    • Ultra Low current design
      50% reduction in max current consumption.
    • Silent Relay
      Can be used in quiet environments.
    • Tamper Proof Design
      Alarm relay cannot be compromised with a magnet.
    • Installer Friendly Settings
      Dip switch design offers easy to set parameters with no jumpers to mess with.
    • Improved EMI Immunity
      Surface Mount Design reduces false activations due to RF interference.
    • Attractive Sleek Design
      The stylish white housing is designed to blend with any room décor.
    • Surfaced Run Wiring
      A large wiring channel allows for quick, neat installations.
    • Look-down Zones
      Honeywell patented look-down mirror provides for optimum detection pattern directly beneath the sensor.
    • Mounting Flexibility
      The unit easily mounts on walls or in corners for a full range of coverage. With subtle corner mounting knockouts, the IS215T maintains its streamlined aesthetics no matter where it is placed.
    • Sabotage-resistant Lens Design
      The lens wraps around a retainer, making it more stable and difficult to sabotage.
    • Selectable Sensitivity
      Sensitivity can be adjusted to match installation requirements.
    • Tamper Switch
      The sealed tamper switch signals before any enclosure access is possible.
    • White Light Immunity
      A white light absorbing, black bug guard dramatically increases white light immunity to greater than 6500 Lux, reducing the chance of false activation.
    • Bug Guard
      Prevents insect access into the sensor optics, reducing the chance of false activation.
    • Applications
      Designed for residential and light commercial applications.